Reiki Cho Ku Rei chakra pendant.


Reiki Cho Ku Rei chakra pendant. Sterling silver plated. Gemstones depict the 7 major chakras.
CHO KU REI Pronunciation “choh-koo-ray” Alias: “The Power Symbol”
Meaning: “God and Man Coming Together” or “I have the key”


Reiki Cho Ku Rei chakra pendant. Sterling silver plated. Genuine gemstones depict the 7 major chakras. Measuring 3.5 cm from top to bottom and 2.3cm wide.
Front and back pictures are on here.
CHO KU REI Pronunciation “choh-koo-ray” Alias: “The Power Symbol”

Meaning: “God and Man Coming Together” or “I have the key”

The primary use of this Symbol is to increase Reiki power. It draws Energy from around you and it focuses it where you want to.

Make the sign over the client (or yourself) and say (silently) the words Cho Ku Rei 3 times.

It is the all-purpose symbol. It can be used for anything, anywhere;

* For on the spot treatments
* To cleans negative energies
* Spiritual protection
* On food, water, medicine, herbs
* In sick rooms and hospitals
* To aid manifestation
* To empower other Reiki Symbols
* To seal energies after the treatment, etc.

If you wish to use the symbol to bring Energy to yourself, reverse it.


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